No, no hard-ons yet :)
Helped out "Adele Yen" ;) with her fashion show it was fun... look at the title.. how can it not models changing in front of you.. a dream come true indeed ahaha, nice music and colors,
did i mention the hot naked models?never seen so many :P lol... yes no hard-ons...then.
i ve said before that Atlanta prolly needs more colors i guess, they were there i just didn't know where to look for it. My nokia n75 doesn't deal to well with light exposure so i got very few decent pictures of the event, but wen eu did some good ones. Photos? yeah wait up..
Got back at 1? lol... and i still manage to compose a song, though i can't sing it very well yet, still visualizing how its gonna be in my head...real sleepy though, woke up at 8.45 haha...
This week: One test , four homeworks due... What's my point? i m gonna stop mentioning it anymore because its a constant in this varsity. Work is constant. LOL...i better
Links About the Fashion Show ;)
Haute Atlanta 1
Haute Atlanta 2
Adele Yen
Get em shoes
Gonna nap now... Then off to another week... lets roll...
1 Response to I See Naked People... a whole bunch of em... LOL *o.O*
and I bet you didnt take any pictures that we would find.. useful
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