Haha, it's 2.57 am now just got back from dinner and two movies(for the price of one ;] ), well yes i m broke but i still went. I m probably not going the cinema anytime soon better not lol...

My common friday is basically this, soccer + dinner + movie = hot in bed.... (sweaty)

I stay on the other end of campus so yeah, the people i play soccer with are the ones i eat dinner with on fridays so out of "convenience" i chose just to go to their place straight and wait for them to get ready. Why not bring my clothes along? Remember my "convenience" philosophy? (it's bullshit, but we all make up reasons to not do things don't we? )

This allows me to be the "best dressed" just like how the title describes it... well is this all that bad? Anything with a head has a tail? keep reading...

Watched one missed call and buckets list... yeah i know what a combination. Well it worked bucket list washed my mind clean from one missed call haha... not to mention i only paid for one movie ;O

Bucket List : Things you do before you kick the bucket?

kick the bucket: before you die? start something totally new? i dunno...i guess its totally up to someone :S Who comes up with all this phrases anyways

The movie is supposed to be inspirational but naturally over thinking can cause depression lol..
So if you know someone whos always happy...ahem ahem... anyways

I guess thinking too much for somethings won't help change it, just letting it be and having faith?
I could live with that :) I have been... Just "slippers and shorts" for now... being simple sometimes isn't too bad.

Besides, in my last life i kinda said something like:

God does not play dice with the universe.- Albert Einstien