Ankle Hurts
Guess what folks, i dislocated my ankle while playing soccer today, yes the right if you will ask.
Oh, yeah the good part is that i got to talk to some brits who were here for vacation 3 of em and a girl. They have been traveling a lot too, couch surfing etc.
Anyways,looks like i wont be walking much, didn't notice how loose my ankle was till i took out my shoes. Gonna have take a trip to the health center when its open.
On a brighter note,there some sort of progress with song writing and recording. Planning to get something down at maxi s place tomorrow. And yeah no beer wiffle ball for this week, or maybe even longer.
i guess it happened for a reason, not really that scared but its been 2 hours and the pain seems to be getting a bit more intense. Will keep ya posted. Was reading my older blogs and just notice how helpful keeping a blog is :) you get to relieve you thoughts back then. "hmm..why did i right that? oh yeah...! "I would like to thank BT for bringing me to cvs which was closed then walmart to get this exact ankle stablizer :)
Have a nice weekend.
PS- Was thinking about "dig" so yeah i learned it, :) and i think its almost time i close this blog.
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